
Rana Saidy : How To Empower Women

              How To Empower Women      I'm obsessed with seeing women encourage, empower, and support one another, we need more of it in our society. You can always tell who the strong women are, they are the ones who keep building one another up instead of tearing each other down.      To empower a woman we should first, give her safety insurance. Second, support her to be independent and free to do what she wants instead of what she has to do. Third, to educate her, because educating a woman is equal to educating a generation. Forth, authorize her to take her own life decisions, and of course nobody has the right to compel her to do something she doesn't want. Fifth, build or help her to build her self-esteem, and to stand up and speak up. Sixth, allow her to take leadership and give her chances. Finally, the most important way to empower a woman is to provide her with her rights and make gender equality available.      To empower women is not to compare them with

Womens place in our society

In any society women generally make half of the population and play an equall important role as played by men. The cicllized communities real ice their significance and do not observe any discrimination on the basis of gender. The beginning of the twentieth century was marked by the recognition of womens rights throughout the world. The women of the west have long won the status that the women of our society are trying to get. Most of the women of the present day pakistani society recieve the treatment of the middle ages. Women of a few big cities have a little bjt a warness of their rights but the women living in villages are regarded as in ferior creatwes and are the victims of old customs and tradition. The feudal culture of the rural areas exercises male domnance. So gender is crimination and religiens fanateicism.

Being a Woman

     Being a woman is hard. You are a sister, mother, daughter, and a friend, all at the same instance. And some men think that if you focus on a career you might lose one of these. And also that you can't deal with it, so they decide that you should stay at home and cook, teach, heal, and raise your children.            Women in their nature can manage many things at once. Their personal life, their marriage, and their work. They can manage easily. When they see you handling this in the right way, your home and work, they will agree on letting you work without any refuse.

House Wives

    Some men are still in thought that women's place is home. And for sure there is a way to help them. To help house wives to become working mothers, we should convince men or especially husbands that women's place is also at work. By showing them that working environment is legible for women. They can be good managers and working women. Showing men how women can manage both her house and her work could be a great idea on how to let them be more close to accept the idea of their wives working.   

Death Day

     My friend Leen, you are my bestfriend, classmate, sister. Leen shares with me everything. All of my secrets and untold adventures died with her. She was my everything. Leen sits beside me in class. Before I know that she died, I kept all day long talking about her. How she used to make everyone of  us laugh, and smile. She had a beautiful soul that death stole from her us. All she kept are just memories we made.         Leen is a nice story, its letters are talking about her beautiful soul, and its story is about her true feelings. She loved everyone, and didn't wish bad for anyone. Adults, and kids loved her. We used to call her the princess, because she acts like a one and she is.       At last, we can't do anything we just have to pray for her, and pay condolences. May her beautiful soul rest in peace. We will never forget you darling.

Women empowerment

.......... long time ago, people thought that women  are for cleaning the house ,take care of the children and teaching them lessons about life or cooking and do home duties ,etc...... But they are wrong women can also have a job just like men have to stop killing women feeling ,men are pushing pretty hard ,they shouldn’t kill her feelings ,they have to respect and encourage women to see her abilities not only men had done achievements women also had done achievements ,most of the men think that it’s shame if there wifes work and other think that their wives can't take care of the children and work at the same time but they are wrong because women are multitaskers . ..........women  are not only only for home duties they can also have a job ,so stop killing her feelings encourage her to see her abilities Fadel Rida

The saddest day

    On 7/2/2018, I lost a person who was worth the world to me. this person was named Lynn, and this person was my best friend for her manners, personality, and the way she communicated. And I wasn't the only person. I loved her personality, but  everyone who met her loved her; she was a true friend switching the frown into a smile, turning the sadness into happiness.     She was short and chubby; her hair was blond like  golden leaves of a tree; her eyes were green spreading the peace inside the person who looked at them her nose was in the  middle of her pink chubby cheeks; her mouth was small.      She was worth the trust. she didn't fail anybody; she was worth the responsibility in conclusion, she was worth everything; she didn't fail anybody in anything.  what we can say to our beloved one is just: May your soul rest in peace.

Our princess

    In the beginning of this school year, I met a princess;her name was lynn.     she didn't make her friends frown ever switching the frown into a cheer. She helped everyone who was in a trouble everyone loved her, liked her, trusted her,and didn't fail anybody.    Her hair was blond hanging from her shoulder like a river with golden water; her eyebrows were like two swords hiding her beautiful green eyes from the envies; her nose was in the middle of her pink cheeks.    She was loved by the adults, teens, and children. Sitting with her was enjoyable.     But, her death suddenly shook us; we didn't expect that a mannered and trusted person will be gone; may her soul rest in peace.                                                       Hadi Akoum

The princess:leen

Leen had a  very beautiful face and green eyes. Her character  was very  beautiful.  Leen used to draw a smile on her face everyday. Leen was my best friend; everyday in morning, I used to  play with her and we used to help each other in school. Leen  had  very beautiful character and she had very beautiful eyes. On wednesday, I went  to school, hoping that I would play with Leen in the morning;however, to my shock,  all students got down from the bus except my sweet leen. I asked the principal  about her;she answered me: May her soul rest in peace. My heart got  broken and is still morning my beloved leen. Leen, I will never ever forget you and I wish you rest in heaven now.                                                                                                                Your best friend with ever Goran.                                                        

Rana Saidy : Someone I Loved : Leen

Someone I Loved      It's crazy how someone who used to be a huge part of your life, can be gone in a second. Life is a beautiful lie that people love, but death is a painful truth that they hate. Death of someone you love will leave you a heartache no one can heal, and their love leaves memories no one can steal.      When a close friend unexpectedly leaves us, a piece of our heart is forever broken. It's not just a piece, but my whole heart is broken because of Leen's death. Leen was someone whom people loved a lot, but whom God loved more, may God have mercy on her.      When someone you love becomes a memory, that memory becomes an immortal treasure. Leen was the most lovable  person I ever knew, each and every person whom she knew loved her. Although me and Leen weren't in the same class, but we were really too close to each other. Once upon a time, we were walking after school when Leen told me that she wishes to be in the same class with me, I di

Rana Saidy : To The Loved One : Leen

                             The Sweetest      Leen may her soul rest in peace, she was beautiful, smart, and funny. We lost her on 7,Feb,2018, she had a heart attack when she was sleeping. Death tricked her and took her soul to heaven, it was a huge loss even I didn't believe I said it's a joke but it was a fact. Leen, was everything in school, she was the joy to her friends and the queen to her teachers. We all loved you Leen and may her soul rest In peace tomorrow we will group up and go to her house to pay condolences. I really don't know what to say to her mother, but Leen was everything to me,because when I used to be sad she made me happy, and it really mourn my heart.      We love you Leen and we are sure you are now an angel in heaven.                                                                                                                                                            Done By : Karim Skan

Eulogy to the sweetest Princess: Lynn

To the sweetest princess named Lynn we write. Lynn, a beautiful girl with the glowing eyes, was aspiring a life that could be a bed of roses due to her thoughtfulness, manners, values and character. Yet the cruelty of death denied our beloved princess life and deprived us from enjoying the radiance and liveliness Lynn’s presence used to give. Lynn used to c ontribute in a very major way as a very active learner in numerous settings. The little princess enjoyed extensive experience as a classroom learner and a booster. Lynn’s qualifications are coupled with a passion for hard work and for helping her classmates to learn and grow in order to realize their potentials and become self-actualized and productive members of their communities and society at large. I have witnessed firsthand how Lynn succeeded on more than occasion and in various settings to motivate her reluctant peers. The compassionate, caring, and strong interest of   Lynn in the well-being of others was remarkable and

Women empowerment

In a world dominated by men,women srrove to attain power over their life and living.It look great effort for women to confirm their existence as more than home makers and such a situation,women and power are two elements that gained association after great battles of right.the feminist movement in the past was a social and political movement.then,women fought for their rights to vote.later,world war two involved the enrolment of women in to the work place to provide labour.As they joined the work face, they became a ware of their unequal enconomic and social status beside men.Dissatisfaction increased and they began to demand for their rights over their pesonal fulfilment.Betty friedan in her ferminine mystique (Quindlen 2001) discussed the issue of personal a chievement as "the problem that has no name".She delivered her message throught her writing that evokes every women who reads the book to have the power to change her state of living as a women.thus,the

women empowerment

Former First Lady  Michelle Obama greets students during a Room to Read event with First Lady  Bun Rany of  Cambodia  in support of the Let Girls Learn initiative, at Hun Sen Prasat Bakong High School in  Siem Reap , Cambodia, March 21, 2015. Women's empowerment  has become a significant topic of discussion in  development and  economics . It can also point to the approaches regarding other trivialized genders  in a particular political or social context. Women's  economic empowerment  refers to the ability for women to enjoy their right to control and benefit from resources,  assets , income  and their own time, as well as the ability to  manage risk  and improve their economic status and well being. [1] While often interchangeably used, the more comprehensive concept of  gender empowerment  refers to people of any gender, stressing the  distinction  between biological and  gender as a role . It thereby also refers to other marginalized genders in a particular po

Empower women

My Mother: A great woman


Rana Saidy : A Working Mom

A Working Mom         To all the women who are working long hours, tired nights and early mornings. Your grind is precious. Stay hustling. I've learned that a working mom is a superwoman, some days she has no idea how she'll do it, but every single day it still gets done.       Being a mom is really hard, so what do you say about working mom. A mom should take care and feed her children, and do the house and give everything she has to her children. While a working mom does all these things plus she works 40 or more hours a week. Though she has no time, she provides her children with everything they need. A working mother will teach you everything except how to live without her.      The phrase working mother is redundant. Love your mom no matter what you go through and no matter how much you argue because in the end, she'll always be there for you. And remember that she's hard working every day just for you.                                                 

Rana Saidy : Women's Role In Society

        Women rights are humans rights, and humans rights are women rights. People in the past, and some nowadays, think that the woman should just stay in her house all day, cook, do laundry, clean, and give birth, that's all, and that's of course totally wrong. Women are half of the society. you cannot have a revolution without women. you cannot have democracy without women. you cannot have equality without women. you can't have anything without women.          Some People think and say that women's place is in the kitchen. These people are retarded and totally stupid.  A woman is a human similar to a man, she's a human that should be given all her rights as a human being. A  Women plays a big role in this lifetime. Women can do anything men can do. A woman can work as a man, have fun like a man, talk like a man, and even have rights like a man. Without women life will literally stop, because women are who give birth, and without a man life will stop too,

Rana Saidy : Gender Equality

  Gender Equality      Gender equality isn't a woman's issue, it's a human issue. It affects us all.  Men and and women have roles, their roles are different, but their rights are equal. The soul has no gender, so why should we differentiate between men and women?      To empower women we have to give them their rights, and protect them from those who don't respect a woman and her rights. Equality is an important thing that still does not exist everywhere, but we're still trying to achieve equality in our society. Both men and women are human beings that God made, so why do you think should we abuse a woman and forget about her rights?       We are in the 20th century and gender equality didn't exist yet, but it really should, so we all people have to fight to achieve our purpose to equality. Gender equality is a human fight and a women's right, and it's the most essential right.      Equality is something people should require and respect. Me

Rana Saidy : A Woman Called Mom

  Woman Called Mom      L ife doesn't come with a manual it comes with a mother,  m others are the most beautiful creatures in this whole world. Of all gifts that life has to offer, a loving mother is the greatest of them all, she's the real pure love you'll ever have.           God gave us mothers for many reasons, like protecting us from anything could ever hurt us, they keep beside us whenever we need them and wherever we are, they feed us, and many more important roles they play in our lives. But most of all, they give us the love we need as humans and they teach us every single thing about this life, wishing us the best lifetime ever.     Every mother in the world is the best in her child's ayes. Every mother gives her child all the love he needs to grow. A real mom is emotional, yet the rock. Tired but keeps going. Worried, but full of hope. Impatient, yet patient. Overwhelmed, but never quits. Amazing, even though doubted. Wonderful, even in the chaos.

women in society


women in Lebanon


women empowerment

we can empower women.

Diamond of Society

                      Women are the source of power and love.she should always stay at the first stage in our society. Needless to say that women are sensitive , but they also play an important role in our lives,and they can do their best in order to improve our world.              Women empowerment is one of the most challenging social issues in our society. It is the ever running topic all over the country

women empowerment


Women empowerment

Women empowerment is empowering the women to take their own decisions for their personal depend . Empowering women is to make them independent in all aspects. From mind , thought , rights , decisions , by leaving all the social and family limitations.It is to bring equality in the society for both male and female in all areas . Women empowerment is very necessary to make the bright future of the family , society and country . Women need fresh and more capable environment so that they can Rayan's Tangle take their own right decisions in every area whether for themselves , family , society or country . Finally , in order to make the society fully developed society , women empowerment is an essential tool to get the goal of development .

Women empowerment

Koran's tangle Crime against women are most talked about topic in the history of crimes.One in 4  men,when surveyed admitted to have raped or attempted  a woman.In the society degraded to this level,do we need to protect them?we need to empower their bodies, skills, confidence  and souls.Now when 9 say women empowerment their souls;their confidence tell her that no one will be able to hurt her because you are there,but-because she has the strength to protect herself. Don't ever try to manipulate her freedom,instead nourish her self nourishing ,you need not empower her;she'll do it on her way or the others,she will be empowered...

The women

       Most people or men actually rank a girl as a slave or as a made they just keep them in these house to clean and cook then get locked  back in that creepy room.     And today we are standing in their face waving with the flag of justice and glory freeing every single women in pain who is waiting for the day her sufference will end  in the day were she free,and everyman every single man will get any woman in harm should be looked behind the walls of justice and iron door that will show him what is the effect of causing any injury to a woman.but still the woman also have roles their job isn't cleaning and  no not cooking well... They have a lot of things that men can not do, like without woman peace will not have a place in our society and also women are known with their patience,men usually start screaming more often the fight some times. Now in these days women has become powerful some of the women got great jobs like Hilary Clinton. In conclusion we can and we will s

Women can lead

      Women empowerment is a must of better men of our country's future,as women are better managers than men. They can properly manage both their house and office in the same time. Many of us oppose women  education, and feel bad when a baby girl is born,due to our small minded thought process. Now it is on us to decide whether we want a son like rapist on whom the world is ashamed of, or we want daughters, who are pride of our country. Till now women has played important role of a mother, daughter, sister and wife, so think if she gets a chance to work for the development of India she will definitely prove herself.      Many more who are beautiful example for our country’s pride. So, educate your daughter and left her fly in this open sky freely, who knows one day they will also make you feel proud.

Lina Nael: women
