Women empowerment

In a world dominated by men,women srrove to attain power over their life and living.It look great effort for women to confirm their existence as more than home makers and caregivers.in such a situation,women and power are two elements that gained association after great battles of right.the feminist movement in the past was a social and political movement.then,women fought for their rights to vote.later,world war two involved the enrolment of women in to the work place to provide labour.As they joined the work face, they became a ware of their unequal enconomic and social status beside men.Dissatisfaction increased and they began to demand for their rights over their pesonal fulfilment.Betty friedan in her ferminine mystique (Quindlen 2001) discussed the issue of personal a chievement as "the problem that has no name".She delivered her message throught her writing that evokes every women who reads the book to have the power to change her state of living as a women.thus,the empowerment of women started to emerge.later in 1996,the national organization for women (NOW),an official group was formed to represent women and campaign for womens concems.Leaders such as Betty friendan bella abzug, shirley chisholm, and Gloriasteinem pressured politiciansto become ware of women concers and work on legislation that would improve the quality of won lives.


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