Death Day

     My friend Leen, you are my bestfriend, classmate, sister. Leen shares with me everything. All of my secrets and untold adventures died with her. She was my everything. Leen sits beside me in class. Before I know that she died, I kept all day long talking about her. How she used to make everyone of  us laugh, and smile. She had a beautiful soul that death stole from her us. All she kept are just memories we made.
      Leen is a nice story, its letters are talking about her beautiful soul, and its story is about her true feelings. She loved everyone, and didn't wish bad for anyone. Adults, and kids loved her. We used to call her the princess, because she acts like a one and she is.

      At last, we can't do anything we just have to pray for her, and pay condolences. May her beautiful soul rest in peace. We will never forget you darling.


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