
Technology In Our lives

    Nowadays technology has brought a lot of change to our life, especially in education and communication with other people. Technology has been essential for people's lives.     We do not need to meet them in person or face to face to say what is in our mind. we simply can phone them or video chat them using internet connection. in the past, we spent a long time to travel to a distant place, but now. we just need hours or even minutes to technology in a form of transportation means. In education, the changes have brought advantage to students and teachers. So technology the best method to survive in life. So i advice the people do not show the children the fear films,or action films because the children he become danger in her life.

Female's Severed Problem

    Many girls severe the same problem that her parents do not see any benefit in her useyes of technology. Unlike boys who can since they are men, to be trusted in technology's use, but now women can use the technology in their jobs (businesses, professor...etc).     Now in our new generation, small girls are interested in working on technology and the usage of it and of its techniques.


Technology    helped all the people in their lives, it is very important.  people all over the world use technology . technology  helped people in their jobs, work, ad in school and in our lives, like: computer, phones etc... the technology helped women in their daily lives. a woman nowadays became better in her job and home works. women used internet to study more about cook and many more things, and clean. technology is good in our lives and is important and essential technology he helped us in our lives and it became an important part in it. people cant live without technology.

Women Empowerment

    land rights offer a key way to economically empower women, giving them the confidence they need to tackle gender inequalities. Often, women in developing and underdeveloped nations are legally restricted from their land on the sole basis of gender.  Having a right to their land gives women a sort of bargaining power that they  wouldn't normally have ; in turn, they gain the ability to assert themselves in various aspects of their life, both in and home. In rural areas, women are not at all supported for education .  When women has monetary power it is a way for others to see them as equal members of society.  Though this , they achieve more self-respect and confidence.

Technology with women

    It's not only how women do science which matters but what science does to women; not simply women's lack of power to shape technologies but also the effect of existing technologies upon women's lives. Though there is a growing literature on both production and consumption, our focus here is on production. Feminism has had an impact on several relevant disciplines, bringing scholars to ask questions which had been generally ignored. Industrial sociologists, development economists and labor historians have all contributed; engendering their accounts the effect o of the effect of technology. 8 Graders working on the blog

Improving women skills

          How can we improve women skills to become more effective in the community? Can a woman improve her skills to be more effective? How can we let a woman be brave in our society? Are men also effective? If something affect a woman can she then reduce her self confidence? These questions are many and all people ask about them to know the answer but maybe there are no answer for some .of them        The most important question that has to be answered is:"How can women improve their skills to become more effective in the community?" This question will be answered, since it is very reciprocal between people. Its answer now is: First,the women can improve their skills to become effective in the community by helping their husbands in doing things they can do. Second, by bringing money to help them and bring home tools. Moreover women can be more effective if they teach their children about self confidence and things that are good for them and for their society and how to

Meaning of Women Empowerment

  Meaning of Women Empowerment If it is to be elucidated beyond the two self-explanatory words, ‘Women Empowerment’ refers to complete emancipation of women from socioeconomic shackles of dependency and deprivations. Often made synonymous to gender equality, the term women empowerment encompasses a much larger set of principles that needs wholehearted attention. The concept of empowerment flows from the word power. Empowerment of women would mean encouraging women to be self-reliant, economically independent, have positive self-esteem, generate confidence to face any difficult situation and incite active participation in various sociopolitical development endeavors. The growing conscience is to accept women as individuals capable of making rational and educated decisions about them as well as the society, increasing and improving the economic, political and legal strength of the women, to ensure equal-right as men, achieve internationally agreed goals for development  and sustaina

Diana Tahan : Mother's Day

   March 21 is a very special day since it is Mothers' Day, in Europe and other countries there's a day called 8 march or women day it is when every man gives a flower to a woman to thank them and to show that they are important, but the video is talking about a girl who took care of an unwanted baby that she found in a bag near the garbage . This young girl is a student in a collage, when she found this unwanted baby she cried really hard and she gave this baby a mother moreover her classmates talked about her that she's a teenager by the time she was a mother as well, but they don't really know the story.  when one day that person asked her about the little girl she remembered the story that she found her in a bag next to the garbage. This story is really heartbreaking... ❤❤Happy Mother's Day❤❤

Women empowerment

Land rights offer a key way to economically empower women, giving them the confidence they need to tackle gender inequalities. Often, women in developing and underdeveloped nations are legally restricted from their land on the sole basis of gender. Having a right to their land gives women a sort of bargaining power that they wouldn't normally have; in turn, they gain the ability to assert themselves in various aspects of their life, both in and outside of the home. In rural areas, women are not at all supported for education. When women has monetary power it is a way for others to see them as equal members of society. Through this, they achieve more self-respect and confidence by their contributions to their communities. Simply including women as a part of a community can have sweeping positive effects. In a study conducted by Bina Agarwal, women were given a place in a forest conservation group. This drove up the efficiency of the group, and the women gained self-esteem while o

Women Empowerment : Abedelkader Azakir

    We can empower women by making them activities such as running activities, competitions, also we can make economic independence for women. As the role of women is not at home even though she can work, her original place is not at home she shall have freedom as men and she should get respected. We can make activities and competition for both men and women such as running, tennis, some can play fighting games too. We can ensure the equality between men and women by many things, some of this by equaling the pay of work value. Women have rights as men her is not at home and also her work is not only to take care of her kids. They can make any thing like the first who flight by a plane and dive it. Also she could have many things in her life. The women should be a unique diamond in men's life. People shall make them the intelligence mind, and they should make them equal with men by let them work and do whatever they want as human beings.

A Super Mom : Rana Saidy

A Super Mom      There is no way to be a perfect mother, but a million way to be a good one. Motherhood isn't about staying at home and taking care of your children, it's about giving them the amount of love they need, even if you were a working mom .     A working mom is a super mom who works so hard daily. She works so hard in both her house and her Job. A working mother is the one who yield all her time for her family, she doesn't even give herself a break, she just gives all of her time and days for her work and kids.     No matter how many times you think you've failed, you will always be a Super Mom in your kids' eyes. When you are a working mom , your kids will be empowered and satisfied every evening when they see you tired though happy.     Scientists proved that working mothers have smarter, more active, and more responsible  kids than a normal mothers' kids. A mother has the chance to prove her independence by working outside by her ow

Importance of women education

Education girls and women is so important for the world as a whole . When we consider the entive human population . The percentage  of educated women is at much lower level than men . First , Education will empower women to come forward and contribute towards the development and prosperity of the country . Second , Education helps a women to live a good life . Her indentity as an individual would never get lost . The life or condition of women would improve a lot if we take a broad out look in the field of female education . Third , Educated women can prove be highly successful in the fields of life . A girl - child shoud get equal opportunity for education , so that she can plan to become a successful doctors engineers , nurses , air - hostesses , cook , or choose a profession of her choice . And educated women are now looked upon with dignity and honor . They become a source of inspiration for millions of young girls who make them their role - models . Until the middle of  nin

A Working Mother

A Working Mother     One of the biggest problems that mothers all around the world face today, is supporting their families through working a full-time or a part-time job, while doing all of the work they need to do as a house wives. These obstacles that face house wives can be easily solved by some help.    Two of the main problems that a house wife face, are having to do all of the house's chores and talking care of their children. Household chores consume alot of hard work, energy, and time, so the house wife can't do it all on her own while being a working mother, so the husband, and the children can help. The husband can do the dishes, wash some clothes, and can even cook from time to time, while the children can clean their rooms, make their beds in the morning, and other minor chores around the house, but her family aren't always available,  the husband has his own job and the children have school, so paying a maid to clean the house from time to time is als

Women's Empowerment

Women's Empowerment Women in our countries are always in the form of the slaughter of the family to protect themselves from stigma, and they have never been given the basic rights for proper education and independence. This is the victim who has suffered violence and misbehavior in the male country. According to the National Mission for Empowerment of Women Launched by women Government, there has been some improvement due to this step in the 2011 calculation. This has led to increase in both female linguaity and female education. According to the Global Gender Gap Index, there is a need for some concrete steps in our contries to improve the status of women in the society through economic participation, higher education and good health. It is necessary that it should be carried out at a fast pace in the right direction by removing it from the initial position.

What is Women Empowerment

Women empowerment is empowering the women to take their own decisions for their personal    dependent. Empowering women is to make them independent in all aspects from mind, thought, rights, decisions, etc by leaving all the social and family limitations. It is to bring equality in the society for both male and female in all areas. Women empowerment is very necessary to make the bright future of the family, society and country. Women need fresh and more capable environment so that they can take their own right decisions in every area whether for themselves, family, society or country. In order to make the country fully developed country, women empowerment is an  essential tool to get the goal of development.

Education does not stand alone

There is a strong link between education women and and girls and positive outcomes for maternal health . Economic empowerment and social mobility . Education gives a voice to girls and women in their communities . Empowering  women through education is also important factor in promoting economic well being . Education gives girls and greater sense og social freedom and person right thay guite their decision making processes . The connection  betwe en learning outcomes and greater opportunity for women only strengthens the importance of reaching women ond girls in devecloping countries -Done by Rayan Nour El Ddine -Doctor Ghada Awada Grade 8 B

Women's Empowerment

A question arises with the slogan of empowerment of women: "Do women really become strong" and "Have their long struggle ended?" Many programs like Mother's Day, International Women's Day, etc. have been implemented and implemented by the government to bring awareness among the society about the true importance and rights of women in the development of the nation. Women need development in many areas. There is a high level of gender inequality in the country where women suffer from the bad behavior of their families as well as the external society. In India, the number of uneducated women is the highest. The real meaning of women empowerment will be understood when they will be given good education in India and they will be able to make that decision independently in all spheres to make decisions.

To empower women

To empower women to take their own personal independence and self-judgment, it is women's empowerment. By leaving behind the boundaries of family and society, giving rights to women from all aspects of decisions, rights, thoughts, minds etc., is to make them independent. In all areas of society, both men and women will be brought together in equal measure. Women empowerment is very important for the bright future of country, society and family. Women need a clean and suitable environment so that they can take their own decisions in every field even if it is for themselves, country, family or society. As a necessary weapon to make the country fully developed and achieving the goal of development, the empowerment of women is in the form of empowerment.

Women rights

     If you educate a man you . Educate one person . If you educate a women , yoy educate anition we know that education boys and girls , is morally right . But educating girls and women is especially effective because when educate . Then the benefits are felt throughout the whole community . It's a magic multiplier in the development equation .    The positive relation ship between female education and overall development outcomes is well established . However , it is the dynamic that underpins that correlation which merits drawing out . An education women is better able to educate her own children who inturn , will be more likely to receive school education themselves . The family will likely be healthier , with alower prospect of infant mortatily and better pregnant and nursing .    An educant women's household is more likely to prosper as a result of higher over all income , by participating ib the labour market . An educated productivily . Leading to greater weak f


The empowerment  and autonomy of women and the improvement of their political, social, economic and health status is a highly important end in itself. In addition, it is essential for the achievement of sustainable development. The full participation and partnership of both women and men is required in productive and reproductive life, including shared responsibilities for the care and nurturing of children and maintenance of the household. In all parts of the world, women are facing threats to their lives, health and well- being as a result of being overburdened with work and of their lack of power and influence. In most regions of the world, women receive less formal education than men, and at the same time, women's own knowledge, abilities and coping mechanisms often go unrecognized. The power relations that impede women's attainment of healthy and fulfilling lives operate at ź.many levels of society, from the most personal to the highly public. Achieving change require

We can Empower Women

We can empower women by making for them activities such as running activities,competition, also we can make economic independence for women. As the role of women is not at home even though she can work, her original place is not at home she shall have freedom as men and she should got respected. We can make activities and competition for both men and women such as running,tennis,although they can play fighting games. We can ensure the equality between men and women by many things,some of this by equaling the pay of work value. Women have rights as men her is not at home and also her work is not only to take care of her kids. They can make any thing like the first who flight by a plane and dive it. Also she could have many things in her life. The women should be a unique diamond in men's life. People shall make them the intelligence mind,and they should make them equal with men by let them work and do whatever they won't Women have many rights as men,her place is not at

Diana Tahan: Presentation of our lesson

   In our outstanding school,  we preset our paideia semminar in each lesson we cover. Diana Tahan Doctor Ghada Awada

Rayan Nour El Ddine : Women

In the past in traditional family the man was responsible for the financial matter and expenses and the women for the raising of the women for raising of the children and all the housework . But society hass change and along with it the family structure too; on many ooccasions the family structure too; on many occassions today the woman help their husbands with the financial  burden by working , but helping out is not the only reason today's women work Today women are more independant and eduacated  that they were in the past and they share equal rights and responsibilities as men . But when women that work decide to get married and have children too and decide to continue working then, they must struggle to balance their domestic and professional roles , yet many believe that women can not manage to balance these roles something will affect negatively their roles in the families becouse of the emotional strain. Reality is very different Done by rayan nour el ddine

Diana Tahan:women can work

   Many people think that women's place is at home but you're wrong because who said the house work of a housewife, is not valuable, Yes it is, but it has no reason that this work should be done specifically by a woman.    Many families think that if the both genders work together that will be easier if one of them is sick or pregnant (women),  still one of them can work .    Families are growing bigger and if one person is working their will not be enough money to spend it on purchasing products.   What do you think is one person enough to work and bring money that will be enough to pay for (house, electricity , etc...) and for his family that is formed for 6 and more people?    When the both genders work together their life will be peaceful and less conflict and not confusing but happier life    So what do you think? 

Women should have better and equal rights

   Empowering women and giving her better and equal rights it will help the society to develop better and equally for some reason many people thing that empowering women is when she can control her life and that she has better life.    Every women has her own abilities to take control of her life with confidence, strength and grace, since we know that our lives and future is between our hands, why not starting a new page and follow our Dreams? It would be easier than you think it is each empowered women should know who she is and how does she feel,  more as many women feel as they've lost themselves like if she is successful in her life or not, is she happy or not, is she a leader, confidence, the people are interested in her? what about you start knowing who you are, because you should not listen to what people think or talk about you, but follow your heart and Dreams. Diana Tahan. 

Women Empowerment

Women empowerment is empowering the women to take their own decisions for their personal dependent. Empowering women is to make them independent in all aspects from mind, thought, rights, decisions, etc by leaving all the social and family limitations. It is to bring equality in the society for both male and female in all areas. Women empowerment is very necessary to make the bright future of the family, society and country. Women need fresh and more capable environment so that they can take their own right decisions in every area whether for themselves, family, society or country. In order to make the country fully developed country, women empowerment is an essential tool to get the goal of development .

Women's Empowerment

Women's empowerment has become a significant topic of discussion in development and economics. It can also point to the approaches regarding other trivialized genders in a particular political or social context. Women's economic empowerment refers to the ability for women to enjoy their right to control and benefit from resources, assets, income and their own time, as well as the ability to manage risk and improve their economic status and well being. While often interchangeably used, the more comprehensive concept of gender empowerment refers to people of any gender, stressing the distinction between biological and gender as a role. It thereby also refers to other marginalized genders in a particular political or social context.

Diana Tahan: women rights

As little girl s , they were obliged to work maides in other houses , at small ages .     W ell the problem is that men's think that women due to stay at home washing and cooking ,as long as men's sells girls that have not reached the age of 13 for doing illegal things. Human rights are the rights that each age each person has, one of them are women rights, women have rights , she has big role in our society , she's a mother,  she always wanted the best to her children, she grew her children,  form a kid to strong and responsible for the society, from a little girl to a powerful civilized women. Each women wish is seeing her children representing the future or as they grew powerful strong r esponsible for the society.       Let's stick hand to hand and make womenfeel as we're with here and we'll always be, let's prove that women have rights. Diana Tahan

Women empowerment : mohammad asmar

    Women have many rights as men,her place is not at home, and her job is not only to take care of kids. A woman has the right to have a good job, and shall have the same value as a man.    Not only men have done achievements. Women achieved things too, for example the first woman that derived a plane and went to the moon, and more.     women have many roles as they have many jobs in their lives, as in our society the woman's job is only to take care of her children, but in my opinion women's job is not only to take care of her children and her home. A woman haves many roles more than people think.