We can Empower Women

We can empower women by making for them activities such as running activities,competition, also we can make economic independence for women. As the role of women is not at home even though she can work, her original place is not at home she shall have freedom as men and she should got respected. We can make activities and competition for both men and women such as running,tennis,although they can play fighting games. We can ensure the equality between men and women by many things,some of this by equaling the pay of work value.
Women have rights as men her is not at home and also her work is not only to take care of her kids. They can make any thing like the first who flight by a plane and dive it. Also she could have many things in her life. The women should be a unique diamond in men's life. People shall make them the intelligence mind,and they should make them equal with men by let them work and do whatever they won't
Women have many rights as men,her place is not at home and her job is not only at home,she have the right to have a good job and she shall have the same value as men.
Not only men have done achievement's women achieved things such as the first women that derived a plane and went to the moon,as the women have many roles as she have many jobs in her life,as in our society the women job is only to take care by her children but in my opinion the women job is not only to take care by her children and her home,many jobs want women to work in it.


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