Diana Tahan:women can work

   Many people think that women's place is at home but you're wrong because who said the house work of a housewife, is not valuable, Yes it is, but it has no reason that this work should be done specifically by a woman.
   Many families think that if the both genders work together that will be easier if one of them is sick or pregnant (women),  still one of them can work .
   Families are growing bigger and if one person is working their will not be enough money to spend it on purchasing products.
  What do you think is one person enough to work and bring money that will be enough to pay for (house, electricity , etc...) and for his family that is formed for 6 and more people?
   When the both genders work together their life will be peaceful and less conflict and not confusing but happier life
   So what do you think? 


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