Diana Tahan : Mother's Day

   March 21 is a very special day since it is Mothers' Day,
in Europe and other countries there's a day called 8 march or women day it is when every man gives a flower to a woman to thank them and to show that they are important, but the video is talking about a girl who took care of an unwanted baby that she found in a bag near the garbage .
This young girl is a student in a collage, when she found this unwanted baby she cried really hard and she gave this baby a mother moreover her classmates talked about her that she's a teenager by the time she was a mother as well, but they don't really know the story.  when one day that person asked her about the little girl she remembered the story that she found her in a bag next to the garbage.
This story is really heartbreaking...
❤❤Happy Mother's Day❤❤


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