If we see in our history, we found that women had enjoyed their rights a lot in ancient time especially in Rig- Vedic period however later in Vedic civilization it was deteriorated. Slowly women were restricted to home and denied for education, widow remarriage, ownership of property and other rights. They started bearing some crimes against them such as child marriages, dowry system, sati pratha, etc and it became more deteriorated during Gupta period.
During British rule in our countries, many social reformers worked a lot for the women empowerment however; they only became successful in removing sati pratha and denial for widow remarriages. Currently, women has started participating in almost all the activities such as education, politics, sports, media, art, service sectors, science and technology, etc. However, because of the deep-rooted patriarchal mentality, they are still being tortured, victimized, exploited and humiliated. There is still gender discrimination in the fields of education, freedom, and economy. Constitution of India has made various provisions for equality of women in our countries however; women are not benefited completely because of some system issue.
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